
Dennis Rodman Making Another Trip to North Korea

Former NBA star Dennis Rodman is reportedly getting ready to reignite an old controversy. He is on his way back to North Korea, multiple outlets are confirming

CNN spotted him at the Beijing International Airport before takeoff and a Trump administration official told Fox News that Rodman is going as a "private citizen." He is expected to arrive on Tuesday.

Americans scratched their heads when Rodman made his first trip to North Korea in 2014 and befriended dictator Kim Jong Un, who reportedly is a big basketball fan. 

Rodman's second visit to North Korea is expected to be just as controversial amidst heightened tensions. Pyongyang is holding four Americans hostage, and the regime continues to test ballistic missiles, despite repeated warnings from the Trump administration.

 It looks like Americans will continue to be confused by Rodman's travel itinerary.