
Report: Nunes Apologizes to His Committee for Prematurely Sharing Intel With Public

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes was in hot water with his fellow panelists on Wednesday after sharing intelligence with the public and President Trump before he even shared it with them. In his press conference, Nunes announced that the committee had found evidence to suggest Trump’s transition team had been monitored by intelligence officials working under President Obama.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) excoriated his colleague on Twitter for what he deemed as imprudence.

Former House Intelligence Committee counsel Jeremy Bash expounded on these points on MSBNC, accusing Nunes of jeopardizing the entire process.

Following the fallout, Nunes has apologized for his actions, according to a committee aide.

A committee aide said that Nunes apologized "for not sharing information about the documents he saw with the minority before going public” and that “he pledged to work with them on this issue.”

"Sorry" is not enough for some lawmakers. Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) is demanding an investigation into Nunes and others are demanding he resign.