
Trump Rips McCain: "He Shouldn't Be Talking About the Success or Failure of a Mission"

John McCain targeted the Trump Administration earlier this week calling the recent raid of a safe house in Yemen unsuccessful.  

"While many of the objectives of the recent raid in Yemen were met, I would not describe any operation that results in the loss of American life as a success," he said in a statement.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer demanded the McCain apologize for his comments, claiming that he was disrespectful to the Navy SEAL who lost his life in the operation.  "It's absolutely a success, and I think anyone who would suggest it's not a success does disservice to the life of Chief Ryan Owens," Spicer said.

President Trump weighed in on Thursday, hitting McCain for his lack of success in  Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Syria, Libya, Pakistan, Sudan, and Somalia.