Cortney wrote about the protesters at DeploraBall, an inauguration party for Trump supporters at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. needless to say, things are getting a bit rowdy, with police being deployed near the entrance to keep order. A fire was started in the street from a kid named “Connor (or Carter)” who told Fox News’ Griff Jenkins, who was reporting for Tucker Carlson’s show, that he was the one who started it.
When Jenkins asked him why he started it, the kid said, “because I felt like it and because I’m just uh—saying screw our president.”
“Okay—well there you have it,” said Jenkins as he walked away
Exit question: Where are the parents of this kid and are they sane?
As Jenkins made his way to the heap of ash where the fire was moments before, a “free Palestine” poster was seen, showing that it’s really not just anti-Trump protesters. It’s the usual can of mix nut jobs from the progressive Left, who just don’t know how to react to President-elect Donald Trump’s upset win over Hillary Clinton. Not that this is a surprise but they’re also stunningly incoherent as to explain why they’re even there. Way to be a role model to the youth, huh?
There was some lady who said that there were Nazis upstairs at the National Press Club. Carlson’s guest tonight, Charles Krauthammer, said that these folks should be medicated.