
WSJ: Obama Signaling Voters To Ignore The FBI Probe Was 'Grossly Inappropriate'... And It Wasn't The First Time

Well, it’s certainly been a schizophrenic couple of days for the Obama administration regarding the FBI review of Clinton-related emails from Hillary aide Huma Abedin. First, the White House wouldn’t criticize or defend Comey, saying he’s a man on integrity, principle, and character. At the same time, it does carry an aura of flippancy. Then, President Obama said, "I do think that there is a norm that when there are investigations, we don’t operate on innuendo. We don’t operate on incomplete information. We don’t operate on leaks. We operate based on concrete decisions that are made.”

The president is making super sure that Hillary Clinton is elected president, even to the point where he has to straight up lie about the detrimental impacts Obamacare is going to inflict upon millions of Americans to try to blunt the blowback against Democrats this year. Premiums are expected to go up on an average of 25 percent next year, some places, like Arizona, are expected to see a 75 percent spike. And now, as evidenced by what Cortney wrote earlier this week, the man is keen on injecting himself into a FBI criminal investigation. The Wall Street Journal editorial board called his remarks a gross intervention into what was a naked attempt to tell voters to disregard the latest developments in the Clinton email fiasco:

He then absolved Mrs. Clinton of wrongdoing, though he can’t possibly know what the new evidence might be. “When this was investigated thoroughly the last time, the conclusion of the FBI, the conclusion of the Justice Department, the conclusion of repeated congressional investigations was that she had made some mistakes but that there wasn’t anything there that was prosecutable,” Mr. Obama said.

Mr. Obama was no doubt signaling voters to ignore the FBI news, but his comments are also a grossly inappropriate intervention in a criminal case. He did the same in October 2015 and April 2016 when he said Mrs. Clinton had no ill intent—precisely the rationale Mr. Comey later used to exonerate Mrs. Clinton. Liberal pundits these days are lamenting the end of political “norms,” but they’d be more credible if they noticed that Mr. Obama is the leading offender.

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough slammed Obama as well, questioning how this man can have the audacity to criticize the FBI—while also citing, like the Journal, the many times Obama has undercut the bureau in its investigative efforts regarding Clinton’s unauthorized and unsecure email server that possibly put our national security at risk. Shouldn't this guy be you know...working? It's unprecedented how much he's been campaigning for Lady Macbeth on the trail.