
Obama Claims He's Never Experienced a Major Scandal

President Obama has managed to sit in the Oval Office for eight years without facing a major scandal, so he claimed at a campaign rally for Hillary Clinton Sunday night in Florida. The statement came in response to criticism from Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA).

"Here's a guy who called my administration perhaps the most corrupt in history — despite the fact that actually we have not had a major scandal in my administration," Obama said.

On behalf of the American people, we would like to remind Obama about the decline of the Veterans Affairs agency, in which we learned thousands of veterans may have died waiting for care. We would also like to trigger his memory as to the IRS' targeting of conservative groups. Finally, we'd like to point out to him what happened in Benghazi and how his administration tried to cover up the terrorist attack as a spontaneous result of a YouTube video.

Why bother. We already know the president lives in his own reality. Last week, he gave a glowing review of his Affordable Care Act, arguing it has improved Americans' wellbeing - even if they don't know it. 

I dare him to repeat that when these premium hikes arrive.