
Rubio Slams Opponent Patrick Murphy's Resume Lies in Debate

Marco Rubio slammed his Democratic challenger Patrick Murphy on Monday for making false claims about his experience during a debate held at the University of Central Florida.

The attacks against Murphy weren’t his to begin with, Rubio noted, but those of Jim DeFede, an investigative reporter for CBS4.

“You ran saying your experience working as a CPA would serve the country, but you never had a license to work as a CPA in Florida, so you either never worked as a CPA or you worked illegally as an unlicensed CPA,” Rubio said.

He also went after Murphy for saying he received a dual degree from the University of Miami. Rubio pointed out, however, that the school doesn’t give dual degrees.

“Why does someone make things up about their record? Because they don’t have anything real to talk about,” Rubio said. “We are 40 minutes into this debate and you cannot tell us a single signature achievement that you have been able to achieve in your four years in the House.”

According to Real Clear Politics’ average, Rubio is ahead of Murphy by 4.7 percent.