
Sheriff Clarke Rattles ‘Big Media’ with This Tweet

As of late, Donald Trump’s go-to line is one that contains the word “rigged.”

In a recent rally he held in New Hampshire, he proclaimed, “We’re going to beat the rigged system; we’re going to beat the rigged election.”

That same day, Milwaukee Sheriff David A. Clarke took it one step farther, tweeting that it’s “pitchforks and torches time.”

Since then, Clarke has doubled and tripled down, tweeting several things aimed at “big media.”

Clarke defended his tweet on "Fox & Friends" Monday morning. He accused the mainstream media of being in Hillary Clinton’s and the Democratic Party’s back pocket, and he pointed out the lack of reporting on the WikiLeaks emails.

"This system is rigged," Clarke said. "[The media] used to be the fourth estate, they used to be the government watchdog. They are now the propaganda wing of the Democrat Party."