
Frexit? Fraurevoir? Front National Leader Promises EU Referendum If Elected President

National Front leader Marine Le Pen has promised a Brexit-style referendum if she were to be elected president of France. Le Pen also said that she will crack down on Muslim immigration to France and reinstate the "burkini" bans.

From The Express:

Ms Le Pen is gearing up for next year’s presidential elections, and is the only party to come out and promise the groundbreaking vote.

Addressing a crowd in northeastern France, she said: "This referendum on France belonging to the European Union, I will do it.

“Yes it is possible to change things. Look at the Brits, they chose their destiny, they chose independence.

“We can again be a free, proud and independent people.”

France will vote for president in April and May of 2017.

Since the United Kingdom voted to "Brexit" the European Union, there have been rumblings from other EU member states about departing the EU as well. There have been increased tensions over migrants, immigration, and taxes that have been fueling anti-EU sentiments.

While we'll have to wait a while to see if the "Frexit" vote will ever materialize, it'll be interesting to see how other politicians around Europe grapple with the growing anti-EU fervor in their campaigns.