
UPDATE: Both Candidates' Spouse's Cookies Are Pretty Mediocre

UPDATE: In the spirit of bipartisanship, I have reached out to both the Stein/Baraka and Johnson/Weld campaigns asking for a cookie recipe from their candidates. Stay tuned.

---Original post---

On Thursday, I wrote about Family Circle's 2016 Presidential Cookie Poll. This weekend, I decided to test out the two recipes alongside my friend Ashe Schow from the Washington Examiner. Armed with an eggbeater, we got to work.

(Note: Neither of us had a star-shaped cookie cutter, but we do not believe this impacted the actual taste of the cookie.)

The result? Both of the cookies were pretty "meh." Neither were all that spectacular. I'd give the edge to the Clintons' oatmeal chocolate chip cookie to Melania Trump's stars, but that's not really saying much. I don't really want to make either of them ever again--there are far better recipes out there. Compared to 2012's options these were both decidedly average and kind of boring.

As for what this says about the state of the 2016 election, I'm not sure. The Family Circle Presidential Cookie Poll has only been wrong once in its six iterations, and I think the Clintons' recipe will win this one hands-down. Stay tuned to see if the streak continues.