
Report Shows No Group of Americans Is More Law-abiding Than Concealed Carry Holders

“Indeed, it is impossible to think of any other group in the U.S. that is anywhere near as law-abiding" as concealed carry permit holders. So concluded the Crime Prevention Research Center following its new report, “Concealed Carry Permit Holders Across the United States 2016." The center studied the rate of criminal offenses among concealed carry holders in Florida and Texas when coming to its conclusion.

The findings speak for themselves.

“With about 685,464 full-time police officers in the U.S. from 2005 to 2007, we find that there were about 103 crimes per hundred thousand officers,” the report reads. “For the U.S. population as a whole, the crime rate was 37 times higher—3,813 per hundred thousand people.”

In its analysis, PJ Media points out that any citizen pursuing a concealed carry permit must undergo a strict application process, including tests and sometimes even proving that they're qualified to shoot. Furthermore, considering how easy it is to lose one's concealed carry license, these gun owners are hyper aware of how they handle their firearms.

Contrary to what liberals may think, gun owners are apparently the most law-abiding, responsible Americans in the country.