
WATCH: Another Video Of Dallas Residents Thanking Its Police Force

Just piggybacking off a previous post showing Dallas residents coming up to hug and thank its police force after the horrific shooting that left five dead on July 7. Micah Xavier Johnson ambushed police who were protecting Black Lives Matters protestors. During the attack, he told police negotiators that he intended to kill white police officers, and that he was upset with the recent string of police-involved shootings against black Americans. Dallas Police killed him by detonating a C-4 explosive device attached to a robot.

In the days that followed, Dallas came together; they hugged and thanked their police for all that they do. From all backgrounds, ethnicities, and races, the city came out to thank their police. A bit of better news, given another tragic shooting where police were targeted in Baton Rouge, Louisiana over he weekend. In that attack, Gavin Long shot and killed three police officers. Long was killed when officers returned fire.