
Trump: My SCOTUS Pick Would've Protected Pro-life Texas Law

Hillary Clinton tweeted an immediate response to Monday’s Supreme Court decision to strike down

a pro-life law in Texas, HB2, that would have strengthened abortion clinic regulations. She applauded the justices for “upholding reproductive rights” in their 5-3 decision, which likely saved dozens of clinics from being shuttered.

To the chagrin of pro-life voters, GOP nominee Donald Trump remained silent. Now, four days later, he has broken his silence during an interview on “The Mike Gallagher Show.”

“If Scalia was living, or if Scalia was replaced by me, you wouldn’t have had that. It would have been the opposite,” Trump said.

Trump’s replacement for Scalia is likely on the list of potential justices he released last month, which indicated who he may choose to serve as president. Conservatives were largely pleased with his choices.

Will they likewise be appeased by his HB2 reaction?