
Homeland Security Chief Testifies Before Senate Judiciary

Secretary of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, testified this morning to the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding oversight of his department. Things got heated when Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) was given his turn to speak. The Texas Senator grilled Johnson on accusations of “systemic scrubbing” of law enforcement material relating to Islamic terms.

"Was Mr. Haney’s testimony that the Department of Homeland Security had ordered over 800 documents altered or deleted in CBB, was that testimony accurate?" Cruz inquired.

Johnson responded, "I have no idea. I don't know who Mr. Hanen is. I wouldn't know him if he walked in the room," he added, mispronouncing his name on multiple occasions.

"So you have not investigated whether your department ordered documents to be modified in 2009 to remove references to jihad, radical Islamic terrorism, the Muslim Brotherhood, you have not investigated that question?" Cruz followed up.

"No I have not taken the time to investigate what Mr. Hanen says, no," Johnson answered.

Cruz then asked, after noting that the department did not participate in Tuesday's hearing, whether Johnson or anyone in his staff had looked into those issues.

"No, but you have me right here, right now, to ask questions of, so here I am," Johnson shot back.

Before and after his sparring with Cruz, Johnson cautioned against using demonizing language against Muslims in order to “build bridges” with these communities, and he reaffirmed his belief that gun reform is pivotal in combatting terror.

The Homeland Security Chief also stated he believes the government will meet its goal of resettling 10,000 Syrian refugees this year – 5,000 of which have already been approved for settlement.