
Donald Trump Meets With Republicans in DC, Gives Interview During Press Conference

Republican frontrunner Donald Trump had his first formal meeting with Washington, D.C. Republicans on Monday in an effort to unite the party.  

Those in attendance include former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and Reps. Tom Marino (Pa.), Duncan Hunter (Calif.) and Scott DesJarlais (Tenn.).

The lawmakers met at the Jones Day law firm near Capitol Hill and Donald Trump commented opened up just a short time ago on what was discussed.

He did not give any specifics on what was said in the meeting, but he did say that it went well.  During a press conference at his new hotel in downtown D.C., he gave a basic overview of the campaign season so far and addressed a few criticism from Hillary Clinton earlier in the day.  

"We want to bring competence back to this country.  We want to bring sanity back to this country," Trump said.  

One of the more notable moments from the press conference was when Trump gave an impromptu job interview.