
Watch: GOP Nobility Bash Trump at K Street Resturaunt

From the Showtime series "The Circus," a group of elite GOP donors and elitists are shown sitting around a dinner table talking of different ways to bring down Donald Trump.

After viewing this video, it cannot be any more clear why Donald Trump is dominating the Republican field and sweeping the nation with those who have realized that our entire government system has failed.

At the Prime Rib restaurant on K Street in Washington, D.C, lobbyist Richard Hohlt, lobbyist and former Congressman Vin Weber, and several other Establishment figures all weighed in with their opinions on Trump.

Here are just a few quotes from that meeting:

Hohlt started by saying that, "And in Trump’s problem, he doesn’t have a compass. You don’t know what his compass is."

Weber said that, "I talk to people all of the time, as I’m sure everybody around the table does, and they say, “Why don’t you Republicans do something about this guy?” I’m sorry. This is not the Soviet Union. We can’t call a meeting and decide Trump is out."  "And we hate that," another said.

Ed Rogers, a former White House advisor, said, "Republicans are hierarchical, respectful of authority, and we fall in line, and Trump has interrupted that cycle.  He’s not articulate. He’s not poised. He’s not informed. All he has going for him is a lot of votes. Why hasn’t any of that hit home? Here we are. Here we are."

He went on to say, "I travel around the world a lot, and Trump is a laughingstock. The world, whatever that is, is at peace with Hillary Clinton."

We now see the problem with the Republican Party.  These men ultimately have great influence on the direction of our country and they have convinced themselves to the point of delusion that our current system of government is the path we should follow.  This is a real problem and should concern every single American; left, right, or independent.