
Rubio Camp Tells Ohioans to Vote for Kasich

According to a Marco Rubio spokesman, the first-term senator is urging people in Ohio to refrain from casting votes for himself. Instead, he has ordered voters to elect John Kasich.

"If you're a Republican primary voter in Ohio, and you don't want Donald Trump to be the nominee, John Kasich is your best bet," Alex Conant told CNN in an interview.

"If you're a Republican primary voter here in Florida and you don't want Donald Trump to be your nominee, Marco Rubio is your best bet. That is indisputable." 

Mitt Romney jumped on the Establishment train last week urging the same tactics.

Ohio and Florida are two of five states that will hold primaries next Tuesday.

The founding fathers are looking down upon Marco Rubio and Alex Conant with pride and satisfaction.  What better way for America to move forward than for a first-term senator to tell the people who they should and shouldn't vote for in each state.