
Senator Jeff Sessions on Immigration and China: Trump Has Forced That Into the Discussion

Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama took some time on Monday to speak with Laura Ingraham about the problems with the political establishment in Washington, D.C. and around the country.

“Two big issues to me, I’m not sure which one is the largest,” Sessions said. “Probably immigration, they just simply have tried to ignore that. The Establishment in both parties just won’t talk about it. Trump has forced that into the discussion today.”

When asked which 2016 GOP candidate is the best on Chinese monetary manipulation and immigration, Sessions pointed to Trump.

"I happened to catch Trump yesterday in his Atlanta speech. I thought he was very clear, and very strong on trade. Nobody is close to that as of this date, I have to say," Sessions said.

"(Trump) has validated my view that the American people will respond if these issues are properly discussed with them, and nobody really did until Trump, and he surged to the top," Sessions noted. "I think those issues have more power than he is being given credit for. They all want to say it's just his personality, or people are angry, they're thoughtless, they're not thinking. The American people are thinking, and they are concerned about both of these issues, and Trump has gained support on that."

Earlier today, Sessions signed his name on a document confirming that hearings will not be held for the vacant Supreme Court position.

You can watch the interview here.