
'Poor Choice of Words': Hillary Promises Jorge Ramos She'll Never Again Use The Term 'Illegal Immigrant'

At a New Hampshire town hall last November, Hillary Clinton was happy to remind voters about her history of defending our homeland from illegal immigrants.

“Look, I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in. And I do think you have to control your borders.”

Now, it appears she regrets those remarks. In an interview with Univision’s Jorge Ramos Monday night, the journalist who was infamously berated by Donald Trump in August, he asked Clinton about her seemingly insensitive comments and wondered if she plans to utter them again.

“Would you commit right now not to use the word ‘illegal’ or ‘illegals’ to refer to undocumented immigrants?” Ramos demanded.

“Oh yeah,” Clinton quickly answered. “Absolutely. That was a poor choice of words…I haven’t used it since, I won’t use it in the future.”

Clinton then went into more detail about her immigration plans. She agreed that border security was important, yet she objects to Donald Trump’s infamous plan to build a wall and deport millions of illegal – I mean, undocumented – immigrants. That, she claims, is “foolish” and “offensive.”

I guess illegally streaming into our law-abiding country isn't?