
O'Malley Accuses DNC of Hiding Dem Debates Behind 'Frosty the Snowman'

Hot off his one-person attended campaign event in Iowa, long shot Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley appeared on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” Tuesday to direct some fresh criticism toward the Democratic National Committee. The former Maryland governor has had enough of Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz hiding Hillary Clinton "behind football games and 'Frosty the Snowman'” by scheduling presidential debates on Saturday nights.

"The party leaders -- or I should say the party leader -- Debbie Wassermann Schultz is doing a terrible disservice to the public ... we are the Democratic Party, not the undemocratic party," O'Malley said.

Bernie Sanders has also condemned the committee for holding only a dozen debates, essentially rigging the primary for Clinton.

DWS, however, sees no problem with the schedule.

"We're giving them a variety of opportunities to see our candidates while preserving their ability to be out on the campaign trail, so that they can get up close and personal with voters," Wasserman Schultz told CNN's Wolf Blitzer earlier this month.

She may not think so, but does O’Malley have a point? After all, Clinton is the only one not complaining about the debate agenda. For now, it seems Frosty and Rudolph will be getting more attention and airtime than the 2016 Democratic candidates.