
Rand Paul says that Marco Rubio should Resign or Give His Pay Back

Rand Paul is on the offensive with a new attack ad on Marco Rubio.  Since the last debate on December 15, Paul has been hitting Marco Rubio hard on issues of immigration and his attendance on the Senate floor.  

In this newly released ad, Marco Rubio's 67 percent voting record and his percieved lack of concern are shown.

"A lot of these votes don't mean anything, they're not gonna pass," Rubio says.

In an interview earlier this week on CNN, Paul went on to say that Marco should either resign, or give back his pay to the taxpayers.  

"The difference between Marco Rubio and I is I show up for work," Paul said.  

Marco Rubio was completely absent for the 1.1 trillion dollar omnibus bill vote that took place last week as he campaigned for his presidential run. Fellow Senators that are also running for President (Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul) were all present for that vote.