
Jeb Calls Obama’s Climate, Terror Remark The ‘Most Ludicrous’ Comment Ever

At a joint conference with French President Francois Hollande Tuesday, President Obama declared that their Global Climate Conference in Paris would be a sound “rebuke” to the radical extremists who terrorized Paris last weekend.

Jeb Bush appeared on Fox News Wednesday morning shaking his head over the president’s strange counterterror strategy.

“That is perhaps the most ludicrous comment I’ve ever heard,” Bush said.

Bush also criticized Obama’s claim that the current international coalition against ISIS is working.

“Sixty-five countries doing nothing is not a coalition,” he said.

Bush laid out his strategy for defeating terrorism. First, he insisted, we should start by asking military advisers what are the options to destroy ISIS? Then, he continued, we must build a coalition inside of Iraq. Third, get European countries to join the fight and, finally, create safe zones inside Syria for refugees and help build an effective force on the ground.

Everything else, he said, is “just talk.”

I’d hope many Americans would agree that terror can’t be defeated through recycling and driving a Prius. 

Obama had already earned the disdain of Americans for failing to convey the emotion necessary to defeat and destroy ISIS in the aftermath of the Paris carnage. Instead, he seemed to save his most burning anger for journalists and Republicans.