
Passport Belonging to Syrian "Refugee" Found in Area of Paris Terror Attack

As we continue to gather information surrounding the ISIS terror attacks in Paris, the worst atrocity in the country since World War II, controversy over the Syrian refugee crisis has escalated. 

UPDATE: A Paris prosecutor has also confirmed the passport that was found. The Associated Press is reporting the passport was found on the body of one of the suicide bombers, who went through Greece as a refugee in October. 

The Greek Alternate Minister for Citizens Protection has confirmed that a passport belonging to a Syrian "refugee" was found in the area of the attacks. The passport holder registered as a refugee in October, just last month. 

"With respect to the case of the Syrian passport that was found in the area of the terrorist attack. We announce that the passport holder had passed by Leros on 3/10/2015, where he was identified, based on EU rules, as these were established on the Summit Meeting about the refugee issue," the Minister Nikos Toskas released in a statement Saturday. "We do not know whether the passport was checked from other countries through which it is possible the holder passed. We will continue the painstaking and persistent effort, under difficult circumstances, to ensure the safety of our country and Europe, insisting on the full identification of those that pass through the refugee stream."

President Obama has called for an increase in the number of refugees the United States admits from the war torn areas of Syria and Iraq, but the FBI and Homeland Security have warned there isn't a system in place to properly vet for terrorism

“The President wants to surge thousands of Syrian refugees into the United States, in spite of consistent intelligence community and federal law enforcement warnings that we do not have the intelligence needed to vet individuals from the conflict zone. We also know that ISIS wants to use refugee routes as cover to sneak operatives into the West. I implore the President to consult with Congress before taking any drastic action and to level with the American people about the very real security challenges we face," House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul said last month. "It is heart-wrenching to watch innocent Syrians fleeing the violence in their country, and we can do more to help. But the best way to solve this crisis is at the source. The President needs to develop a real strategy for victory to defeat ISIS and remove Assad from power, which is the root cause of the problem. This is the culmination of a failed foreign policy to deal with the threats and now we have a humanitarian crisis on our hands.”

Further, ISIS has declared it will use the refugee crisis to send trained fighters to western countries and the FBI currently has more than 1,000 active ISIS probes in the U.S. 

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has nearly 1,000 active probes involving the terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) inside the United States, dozens of law enforcement officials disclose in a letter to President Obama.

When do we have a moral responsibility to protect Americans from ISIS terrorists who want to "taste their blood"?