
Sanders Suddenly Interested in Hillary's Emails As Her Lead Widens

Now that Hillary Clinton has expanded her lead in the Democratic race for the primary, her closest competitor Bernie Sanders is suddenly interested in talking about her "damn" emails.

In what many pundits perceived to be a missed opportunity, Sanders punted on the issue of Clinton's email scandal at the first Democratic presidential debate, insisting the American voters were "sick" of hearing about it and they should move on to more pressing topics. After those remarks, Sanders lost all of his momentum in New Hampshire, where Clinton is now beating him soundly and has all but solidified her position as the Democratic nominee. The former Secretary of State has also overtaken Sanders in Iowa. To perhaps try and reverse those numbers, Sanders told the Wall Street Journal Wednesday that, regardless of how he acted in the debate, he does not want to dismiss her email investigation. 

On the issue of Mrs. Clinton’s emails, Mr. Sanders didn’t say he regretted his debate remarks. “You get 12 seconds to say these things,” he said of the debate setting. “There’s an investigation going on right now. I did not say, ‘End the investigation.’ That’s silly.…Let the investigation proceed unimpeded.”

Is he sincere? Or could he still care less about the scandal and this is simply a new strategy from the Democratic socialist to try and catch up to Clinton?

Unfortunately for Clinton, her email scandal overshadows her campaign promisees in the minds of Americans. Certainly, they, along with her misleading comments regarding Benghazi, are a large reason why her honesty numbers have fallen.

Since poll after poll suggests Clinton's emails are her Achilles heel, Sanders should mention them every chance he gets.