
Gowdy Responds to Charges from Ex-Staffer After Benghazi Committee 'Refused to Pay Him'

In an attempt to dismiss the Benghazi Select Committee as a partisan witch hunt against Hillary Clinton, an ex-committee staffer has accused the panel of being obsessed with a political agenda.

Bradley F. Podliska, an investigator and Air Force Reserves officer, told The New York Times that the Benghazi committee was becoming “primarily focused” on Clinton. His comments come on the heels of Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s controversial statement on "Hannity," when he said the Benghazi committee was directly responsible for sinking Clinton’s poll numbers. Chairman Trey Gowdy (S-SC), while accepting McCarthy's apology, insisted his words can't "fix the damage" done to the panel.

Gowdy, again having to defend his committee’s work, responded to Podliska’s claim, noting the latter only voiced his so-called concerns after they refused his demands to pay him. Here’s the chairman's full statement:

Gowdy has already proven he's a whiz at penning powerful letters. Last week, he torched his Democratic colleague Elijah Cummings for contributing nothing to the Benghazi committee's efforts except leaking lies to the media.