
Hillary on the 'Tonight Show': The Email Scandal Uproar 'Hurts My Feelings'

Before the smoke cleared from the Reagan Library following the second GOP presidential debate, Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton was all jokes with late night talk show host Jimmy Fallon. Wednesday night on the "Late Show," the former Secretary of State tried to show the audience a more likeable side in contrast to what has so far been a stale campaign, even impersonating Donald Trump at one point:

When it came to talking about her own campaign, Clinton revealed she has very thin skin when it comes to the furor over her emails, albeit in a joking way.

"This is all retroactive," Clinton said, explaining that some information in the emails was only designated as classified later and that she did not send or receive any information that was classified at the time.

"And the stuff that's in it, I think, is really boring people, which kind of hurts my feelings to be honest!" Clinton said.

This now marks at least the third time Clinton has made light of her very serious email scandal, the first being her unamusing 'Snapchat' quip, the second was her dismissive behavior of Fox News reporter Ed Henry's question as to whether she wiped her private server clean: "Like with a cloth or something?

In what seems to come as a surprise to Mrs. Clinton, national security is not a joke to most Americans. Voters actually care to know whether the former Secretary of State put the country at risk by handling classified information on a private, unsecure email server.

As you can see in the above clip, Fallon did get an answer to at least one important issue: Hillary's hair is real.

Editor's note: An earlier version of this post read that Hillary appeared on the "Late Show." Apologies from the editor, who routinely mixes up her late night talk shows. (I'm usually asleep by then.)