
"Miss" Informed: Contestant Defends Planned Parenthood During Miss America Competition

Out: Questions about world peace. In: Questions about Planned Parenthood. During Sunday’s always-popular Miss America competition, Vanessa Williams posed to Hannah Robison, Miss Tennessee, a more controversial question than what is typically fielded by the pageant contestants. Robison was asked, "Should Planned Parenthood be defunded?"

Pro-lifers won’t like Robison’s answer:

“I don't think Planned Parenthood funding should be cut off. The $500 million that gets given to Planned Parenthood every single year goes to female care. It goes for scanning for cancer, it goes for mammograms. And if we don't give that funding to Planned Parenthood, those women will be out of health care for reproductive causes.”

The misinformed Miss Tennessee needs to do more research. Planned Parenthood offers women referrals for mammograms, but they themselves do not offer such services, explains LifeNews. Newsbusters also raises the important point that Williams did not mention the shocking Center for Medical Progress investigation into Planned Parenthood in her questioning. She also failed to share the number of abortions the organization was responsible for last year: 327,000. The Daily Signal knows women deserve better: they made a map of health clinics that could promptly provide women the care they need should Planned Parenthood lose its federal funding.

The Planned Parenthood inquiry was just one of several divisive questions asked during Sunday night’s contest. Miss Georgia, who was crowned Miss America later that night, had to pick a side in Tom Brady’s deflategate scandal. Her verdict? He’s guilty.

It’s obvious Miss America is getting more political. If any contestants are asked about Planned Parenthood in future, I suggest they have a better answer ready: “Yes, Planned Parenthood needs to be defunded. Have you seen those videos? The organization has a pro-abortion agenda that taxpayers shouldn’t have to support. There are better options, including nearly 14,000 health clinics. Women don’t need Planned Parenthood.”

Next question.