
Cruz, Levin, Palin, Beck: Conservatives to Rally in Washington Wednesday Against Iran Deal

President Obama seems to have the votes he needs to avoid a veto override of the Iran deal, but that isn't keeping conservatives away from Washington today as they rally on Capitol Hill in protest. 

With heavy hitters Mark Levin, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Ted Cruz and even Donald Trump in attendance as speakers, conservatives will gather on the west side of the Capitol building at noon to stand against the deal. The event is being sponsored by the Tea Party Patriots. 

"Our massive rally to stop Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran is scheduled to begin in less than 24 hours," Tea Party Patriots sent out in an email yesterday. "We are setting up in DC and getting ready to hold this massive rally. Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Mark Levin, Phil Robertson, Sarah Palin, and Glenn Beck are on their way. We’re all getting ready to tell Barack Obama and his liberal allies to trash this rotten deal!"

"Please join me this Weds at noon at the Stop Iran rally on the western steps of the Capitol building in DC! We need to turn out in force!" Levin posted on his Facebook page Monday.

Last night Glenn Beck made an appearance on the O'Reilly Factor to discuss today's protest and to stress the gravity of the situation with Iran.

Citing U.S. national security concerns, four Senate Democrats have publicly denounced Obama's deal with Iran and the side deals the Iranians have made with the U.N. Debate about the deal continues in Washington as Congress returns from their August recess.