
No, Women Don't "Need" Planned Parenthood

In light of the Center for Medical Progress undercover video investigation of Planned Parenthood, exposing the abortion giant for selling and haggling over intact baby parts and at times, entire baby cadavers, Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards has claimed Congress can't defund the organization because women won't have access to healthcare. Further, she's said the medical community can't "absorb" Planned Parenthood patients should the organization be stripped of $500 million in annual taxpayer funding. 

First, Planned Parenthood is capable of successfully operating without taxpayer funding. Second, there are a number of health clinics around the country more than capable of taking on more patients. In fact, other health clinics around the country and available to women actually provide more services than Planned Parenthood. 

You can learn more about what Planned Parenthood claims they provide and what they actually provide, here

Meanwhile, the House Oversight Committee is now investigating how Planned Parenthood uses taxpayer funding and how Health and Human Services distributes taxpayer funds to the organization.