
Exclusive: In DVD Extra, ‘American Sniper’ Star Explains How the Film Made a Marine Cry

“American Sniper,” the Clint Eastwood-directed movie about the ‘deadliest sniper in American history,’ Chris Kyle, has touched Americans all over the country. The film not only depicts Kyle’s sniping success, it also candidly highlights his struggles in dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder. The story is told so powerfully, it has even hit a nerve with tough-as-nails Marines.

In an exclusive video clip obtained by Townhall, which will be included on the "American Sniper" DVD, actor Bradley Cooper, who plays Kyle, explains how the crew showed the film to a group of veterans in San Antonio, Texas ahead of the film’s release. After the showing, one Marine stood up to commend their efforts and even got a bit emotional.

“If you know anything about the military, for a Marine to cry in front of other Marines, means something’s happening…And I thought, well that’s it, we got it right then.”

Unfortunately, not everyone agrees. Liberal pundits have criticized the film as nothing more than a racist two hours and 14 minutes. A few colleges have threatened to cancel screenings of the film, deeming it ‘unsafe’ for students, and MSNBC contributor Ayman Mohyeldin dared to claim Kyle was going on ‘killing sprees’ in Iraq.

Producer Rob Lorenz has a much better perspective of Kyle’s impressive sniping record.

“Regardless of whether you believe in a particular war or not, you have to value the fact that these people are willing to go over there and make these sacrifices for us. That to me is the most important aspect of this movie.”

The DVD comes out May 19. Until then, enjoy the exclusive clip.