
Lindsey Graham's Big Day: June 1

In other words, that’s when Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) will announce he’s running for president. Gulp:

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham plans to announce his presidential campaign on June 1, GOP sources tell Fox News.

Graham, a three-term senator from South Carolina, is known as a foreign policy hawk in Congress. Though he is considered a long shot -- and ranks near the bottom in recent polls of declared and potential Republican presidential candidates -- Graham could help drive the debate on national security among a GOP field that includes candidates who sharply question policies ranging from drone strikes to NSA surveillance.

Sure, he may shape a national security debate or two, but that’s about it. Seriously. Reviled by the base, and staunchly in favor of comprehensive immigration reform, Graham’s chances of winning the Republican nomination are…about as good as Rick Santorum’s. Nevertheless, he hopes to find a nice niche within the center-right coalition of GOP primary-goers, which he believes will be his golden ticket to the White House. Here in the real world, however, the field is already brimming with talented hopefuls, and nothing short of a miracle will crown him the nomination. Not even John McCain's endorsement will make a difference; after all, the “wacko birds” of this world will unite against him. So the odds, as they say, are long and stacked against him.

But maybe that's okay. Maybe he's just being clever and strategic. We'll see.