
Winner of Muhammed Cartoon Contest: "Once Free Speech Goes, It's Over"

The winner of Sunday night's draw Muhammed art contest, which was attacked by terrorists influenced by ISIS, is speaking out and pleading for the West to fight back against attacks on free speech. 

"We can't be cowed by this because once this goes, once free speech goes, it's over," Bosch Fawstin said during an interview with Fox News' Greta Van Susteren. "I've been drawing Muhammed for years and I heard about the contest and I took it upon myself to take part in it. I think it's an important thing. It's about freedom of speech, which is deadly important, especially right now. It's under siege by the enemy, the Islamic enemy, by the left, by some on the right and it is a constant attack. We are being told that we 'shouldn't do this' or we 'shouldn't do that,' and we have the right to do that and we need express that right especially right now." 

"I understand the threat that we face and that's why I do what I do," he continued. "I don't refuse to do it because of the threat, I do it because we're being threatened. This has to be fought head on." 

Robert Spencer, director of Jihad Watch and an organizer of the art contest, also made an appearance on The Kelly File last night to discuss not just the attack from the terrorists, but attacks from those who say the group had it coming by "provoking" Islam.