
The 24/7 Media Matters Machine Against Bill O'Reilly

Last week, Mother Jones journalist David Corn alleged that Fox News host Bill O'Reilly had been exaggerating his time as a foreign correspondent in Argentina during the Falklands War. Despite vociferous denials from O'Reilly and his bosses at Fox News, the left-wing smear machine jumped into action.

Media Matters for America, the Soros-funded "watchdog" organization that has an unhealthy obsession with Fox News, assigned just about every journalist on staff to try to dig up dirt on the Fox host. All 45 researchers working "around the clock" have been able to uncover... well, not much.

But their failure has not deterred the intrepid researchers at Media Matters. An employee over there tells Politico that their crusade to bring down O'Reilly is just one part of "a long term game."

David Brock, the founder of Media Matters, has been obsessed with taking down Fox for a long time. While the organization has had an anti-Fox agenda ever since its inception, in 2010 Brock explicitly dedicated the organization to a "War On Fox."

Brock has a lot of experience exploiting his younger staff members in pursuit of hopeless causes. Media Matters has waged a war on its staff in an effort to prevent their unionization, and David Brock's pro-Hillary Clinton PAC American Bridge has engaged in similar crusades. Paul Begala, Brock's associate and member of team Clinton, jokes of Brock that "he finds all of these nerd virgins and locks them away in a vault where they never see sunlight."

One can imagine the scene at Media Matters right now.