
NYT Journalist James Risen Rips Holder: He's Sent a Message to Dictators That It's Okay To Jail Journalists

New York Times investigative reporter James Risen has been embroiled in an ugly court battle with the Department of Justice for years (including prior to the Obama administration). DOJ and Attorney General Eric Holder have been fighting with the power of the federal government to get him thrown in jail and have gone to extensive lengths to find out who his sources are. 

Yesterday, Holder attended a free press event at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. where he claimed to know the importance of a free press in a properly functioning democracy and that the administration has gone easy on whistleblowers and leakers. The opposite is true. 

Risen took to Twitter to respond to Holder's remarks, saying the Obama administration has essentially eliminated the First Amendment and press freedom. 

Just two weeks ago Reporters Without Borders published its latest press freedom index. The United States has dropped to 43rd, down 29 spots since 2010.