
In Other News: Obama and Biden United in Not Joining Unity Rally

Here are some other highlights and headlines that I noticed over at Ransom Notes Radio:

As world leaders linked arms and joined the millions of individuals who attended the Charlie Hebdo march in Paris, Obama and Biden watched football. After all, you have to prioritize in life.

(Daily Mail)

Francois Hollande decided it would be appropriate to ban a “right wing” political party from the historic French Unity Rally over the weekend… Because nothing says “Je suis Charlie” quite like a little censorship.

(The Gateway Pundit)

Well, the Pope just brought an early end to the Left’s love affair with him. He explained that terrorism is the result of “deviant religion.” Next thing you know, he might indicate that abortion is a sin, or marriage should be between a man and a woman. (Gasp!)


A Hermosa Beach restaurateur is receiving death threats after he made the decision to serve foie gras. I wasn’t aware that PETA issued fatwas.


Peyton Manning and the Denver Broncos forgot they had to play football on Sunday.

(Huffington Post)

The NYPD is charging officers $400 for new bullet proof vests… As far as I know, there is not a vest on the market that is capable of protecting cops from being stabbed in the back by politicians.

(NY Post)