
Nominee to Head Immigration and Customs Enforcement Doesn't Oppose Obama's Executive Amnesty

President Obama's nominee to head up Immigration and Customs Enforcement, United States Attorney for the Northern District of Texas Sarah Saldana, could be confirmed by the lame duck Senate any day now. The problem? She isn't opposed to Obama's executive amnesty. 

“Mr. President, I rise to speak in opposition to the nomination of Sarah Saldana. Ms. Saldaña has been nominated to head the nation’s top immigration law enforcement agency, which has been at the epicenter of this administration’s refusal to enforce our nation’s immigration laws," Republican Senator Jeff Sessions submitted yesterday for the Congressional record. "When asked whether she rejects the President’s unlawful action to unilaterally grant legal residence and work permits to 5 million individuals illegally in the country, Ms. Saldaña, currently the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Texas, responded ‘no.’ Her answer reflects a remarkable disregard for the rule of law that demonstrates that, if confirmed, she will continue the pattern of lawlessness perpetuated by the President and the political leadership of the Department of Homeland Security."

Saldana's amnesty position might be in touch with President Obama, but it's out of touch with Americans and with ICE agents working on the front lines to combat illegal immigration. Polling from a number of different outlets show a majority of Americans are opposed to Obama's recent executive actions on the issue. 

As a reminder, ICE in particular deals with deportation and interior enforcement. If Saldana is confirmed, she'll have the authority (with the full backing of the White House) to instruct ICE agents not to enforce immigration laws despite what Congress does to stop Obama's executive amnesty.