
Reince on Obama: "I Don't Believe A Thing He Says"

This week, after the sweeping GOP victory in Tuesday's elections, RNC chairman Reince Priebus laid down how badly Obama has already poisoned the well in Washington.

As Newsbusters reported:

“I don't believe a thing he says,” the RNC chairman replied. “He's been talking about immigration reform for seven years, so you're using his words as if they actually mean something and asking me to respond to it.”

Priebus continued: “All he's been doing for the last year is lying to Hispanic voters across the country” by letting public outcry determine that he would “sign executive amnesty” after the midterms.

“I mean, it's ridiculous,” the Republican continued. “He's not trustworthy on this issue, and the only thing he has done is he's unified the country against his immigration policies” by “using people for politics.”

Watch the video below:

Job one for President Obama is to mend fences before he's going to find good neighbors down the street.