
In Other News: Obama Appoints Ebola Czar; And No, It's Not Hillary

Here are some other highlights and headlines that I noticed over at Ransom Notes Radio:

Pictures of flying monkeys holding “Hillary 2016” signs are starting to spring up throughout Los Angeles. Her protection detail is already looking into the possibility that someone may drop a house on her.

(Hollywood Reporter)

This group in Seattle is willing to pay you $13 per hour to go lobby for a $15 per hour minimum wage. It’s unclear if you will also have access to free birth control.

(Free Beacon)

Obama's credit card was declined when he tried to pay for his lunch... The bank said he was overdrawn by $17 trillion.

The nursery rhyme “Bah, Bah, Black Sheep” has been deemed racist. Obviously. 

(Herald Son)

Obama’s newly named “Ebola Czar” once called Joe Biden his “role model and mentor”… I’m not sure this guy is qualified to be a Czar of anything. Dr. Strangelove would probably have been a better option than the leader of Biden’s unofficial fan club.

(Weasel Zippers)

The State Department praised Cuba’s efforts to combat Ebola… Of course, I can’t help but notice that the world is not exactly clamoring for Cuban treatment… But I guess that’s one of the fringe benefits of having an absolutely atrocious form of socialized medicine: It doesn’t take much to win praise from Team Obama.

(Weasel Zippers)