
In Other News: Keep Gitmo Open – Let’s Close DC Instead

Here are some other highlights and headlines that I noticed over at Ransom Notes Radio:

Mike Bloomberg was knighted by the British for his business and philanthropic work. Now he’s just waiting on the Vatican to get their act together, and grant him Sainthood. (Wait… Heaven has a ban on high-capacity sodas, right?)


Obama quietly scrapped Ebola quarantine procedures a number of years ago because in all seriousness: “what are the odds?”

(Fox News)

“Activists” (in English we generally call these people “looters” and “rioters”) in Ferguson have demanded that authorities bypass a grand jury, and just arrest Police Officer Darren Wilson… I guess due process and a fair trial are just too much for an angry mob to handle.

(NBC News)

Democrat Mark Udall weighed in on whether or not we should close Gitmo: “We can send ‘em back to their countries – no wait, we can keep the terrorists here.” It becomes pretty obvious that he has a very precarious grasp on reality. It also becomes pretty obvious that we would be better off as a nation if we kept Gitmo open, and just closed down DC for a little while instead.

(You Tube)

Leon Panetta is the latest (former) administration official to throw Obama under the bus. Meanwhile, as the Obama Administration continues to sink, the Joe Biden comedy hour keeps on playing:

(Weekly Standard)