
In Other News: Chicago High School Accused of Murdering the English Language

Here are some other highlights and headlines that I noticed over at Ransom Notes Radio:

Nero played the fiddle. Obama golfs. Meh, different strokes for different incompetent leaders who let the world fall into chaos and ruin. (Press Enterprise)

Feminists are now calling for an end to Father’s Day because of sexism or something. Now, I don’t want to sound sexist (I’ll power through it though), but I really wish feminists would stop whining like a bunch of little girls. (Weasel Zippers)

Only Al Sharpton, or a second grader, could mutilate so many words in a mere 11 seconds. There is no way to clearly articulate this man’s struggle with the English language… Especially if you have him say it. (Weasel Zippers)

A school in Chicago is under fire after teachers and students promoted the prom theme for 2014: “This is ‘are’ story.”… “Are” story? Heck, no wonder Chicago resident, Al Sharpton, can’t read or speak. Those Chicago teachers shur do a grate job. Rite? (Western Journalism)

Mississippi GOP Senator Thad Cochran was apparently unaware of Eric Cantor’s loss. “I didn’t follow that race very closely” he told reporters. So… I guess it’s safe to assume he’s not a big consumer of news. Do they not get the Drudge Report in his corner of Mississippi, or what? (Fox News)

Strangely this isn’t all over the news: First quarter GDP might be revised down again… To something around -1.7 or -1.9 percent. But, yeah, I’m sure almost 2 percent contraction in first quarter GDP is because it snowed in February… Stuff like that never happens. (CNBC)