
Intergovernmental Agency Funded by Governments Calls for More Money for Government

A new report from the International Energy Agency warns that unless we give governments more money to "invest" in energy people could be sad.

Enormous amounts of capital investment — up to $2.5 trillion a year — will be needed to supply the world’s energy needs through 2035, according to a report released Monday by the International Energy Agency, the intergovernmental organization based in Paris.

A total of $40 trillion would go to developing and maintaining energy supplies, with $8 trillion more being spent on energy efficiency, the organization said in the report.

I wonder how we got along without the International Energy Agency helping us determine that we weren't giving government enough money to supply our energy needs?

They contend that the oil boom that's taking place worldwide in shale will be played out by the 2020s, and the OPEC nations will be back in control. This is newest refrain from liberals about fracking-- that the finds are too small to be sustainable-- since no one believes their global warming mantra, nor their assertions that fracking is responsible for earthquakes, tornadoes and the movie After Earth.

Yes, the scientists who didn't foresee the energy revolution going on in the USA warn that they are still right, even though they were wrong.

So please, please, please give them money before it's too late.