
EXCLUSIVE: Reality TV Star Endorses Campaign Exposing Abortionist Kermit Gosnell

Filmmakers Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney and journalist Magdalena Segieda have found another friend in Hollywood willing to stand up for them as they raise funds for Gosnell the Movie - a film dedicated to expose radical late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell. Sloane Brown, of E!'s new hit reality show "The Drama Queen," has just put out a video to express her support for the crowd funding campaign.

"You might know me as the fun, party girl, but today I want to talk to you about something serious."

Brown ditches her party demeanor to tell us about Kermit Gosnell, an infamous late-term abortionist who was convicted and sentenced to life in prison for murdering babies and putting patients in danger in his filthy abortion clinics for decades.

In the most profound part of her video, Brown holds up a picture of Gosnell and asks, "Do you know who this guy is? Don't worry if you don't recognize him - most people don't."

That's because when the Gosnell case was underway, the mainstream media more or less ignored the story, suggesting it would hamper their pro-abortion agendas.

But, Brown is one brave young woman who isn't afraid to talk about Gosnell, as she goes on to describe in detail what took place for years in his 'House of Horrors.'

Brown is following in the courageous footsteps of "Hercules" actor Kevin Sorbo and Nick Searcy, currently acting on FX's "Justified," as Hollywood figures willing to get behind the movie.

So far, the campaign has reached 72 percent of its goal. To help them past the finish line, you can go to the Gosnell Movie Indiegogo page and make a donation.

Update: an earlier version of this post read that the Gosnell campaign was intended to produce a documentary. It is a movie, not a documentary.