
Kirsten Dunst Offends Feminists by Voicing Support for Traditional Gender Roles

It may be shocking, but at least one Hollywood starlet is making sense. In an interview with Harper's Bazaar in the U.K., actress Kirsten Dunst promoted the importance of traditional gender roles. Unsurprisingly, her remarks have been accompanied with backlash from self-righteous feminists. Here were a few of Dunst's "controversial" comments:

“I feel like the feminine has been a little undervalued… We all have to get our own jobs and make our own money, but staying at home, nurturing, being the mother, cooking – it’s a valuable thing my mum created."

“And sometimes, you need your knight in shining armor. I’m sorry. You need a man to be a man and a woman to be a woman. That’s why relationships work…"

These are honest and heartfelt statements, yet her critics are lining up to condemn her. Some are calling her "insufferable," others say she's "dumb," but all are pushing that same tired argument that comments like these work to take women back to the 1950s. On Twitter, one person even tweeted that Dunst should join the list of actresses who "should never be allowed to talk near young girls."

Maybe when these offended feminists are through with their immature name calling, they'll realize Dunst's perspective actually makes some sense. We should be celebrating the differences between men and women. If we are constantly striving for "equality," we miss the opportunity to truly embrace our femininity. Others are of the same mind. Just look at how people quickly acted to defend Ann Romney when in 2012 Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen accused her of "not working a day in her life." That insensitive comment inspired her very first tweet.

“I made a choice to stay home and raise five boys. Believe me, it was hard work.”

New research reveals an increase in the amount of women choosing to be stay-home moms. Three in 10 women are remaining home with their children, up 3 percent from 2008. I wonder if they consider it a "luxury" to cook, clean and care for their household as some feminists suggest.

Dunst's comments are a breath of fresh air in a culture that has brought us "war on women" propaganda from actresses like Scarlett Johannsen, who in 2012 appeared in a video with Kerry Washington and Eva Longoria, suggesting Republicans were trying to "redefine rape." Speaking of Longoria, she also pushed men out of the picture in her sexist animated show on Hulu, "Mother Up," which more or less defined men as absent fathers and heartless misogynists.

At least one actress is not afraid to admit that sometimes fish need bicycles.