
White House Launches "ACA Bracket" for March Madness

Selection Sunday, or the day that the 68 schools participating in the NCAA Division 1 Basketball Championships find out their place in the bracket, was yesterday. Today, the White House launched the "ACA Bracket" for people to vote on their favorite things about the Affordable Care Act, as symbolized by gifs. People vote using their Twitter or Facebook accounts to promote Obamacare.

Yes, that's right. The website of the White House, aka the house where one of the most powerful men in the world lives, is promoting a piece of legislation using cat gifs. This is real life.

Unlike Warren Buffett's bracket contest, where a perfect bracket gets one billion dollars, there's really no winner in this bracket. Regardless of what gif wins, whether it be "girl falling while trying to twerk on a bathroom sink" or "Elmo flings himself off of a store shelf," Americans are stuck with a crappy, unpopular law that's causing premiums to rise and canceling millions of people's health plans. Awesome.

But that Elmo gif sure is funny.