
CPAC Selfies

President Obama and Ellen DeGeneres aren't the only ones who know how to take selfies. At this year's Conservative Political Action Conference, the Townhall team proved we're just as capable of snapping those contagious reverse camera shots.

Christine was a selfie-taking machine. Her impressive collection even made BuzzFeed.

First there was Donald Trump.

Then she snagged one with the bold radio personality and defender of the Second Amendment Dana Loesch.

Believe it or not, she got a good number of the Duggars in this one.

Christine needed no undercover investigation to find Project Veritas' James O'Keefe.

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This Tea Party patriot may not have known what a 21st century "selfie" is, but he caught on nicely!

Heather's own selfie mission was successful when she found former Representative Allen West.

Cortney listened to author and filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza summarize his new film, 'America,' before he graciously agreed to snap a pic.

Cortney: "Have you ever taken a selfie?"

Rep. Bachmann: "Have I ever taken a selfie? I have five kids!"

Finally, Sarah and Rachel found some familiar intergalactic faces.

May the selfie be with you.

Thanks for humoring us everyone...Until next year!