On Fox News Sunday, Mitt Romney was pressed by host Chris Wallace to speak out about comments made against his adopted infant grandson, Keiran -- who was inexplicably mocked by anchor Melissa Harris-Perry and other panelists on MSNBC last week. Not surprisingly, Romney was quick to forgive, forget and let bygones be bygones (via Ed Morrissey):
What a class act. As Wallace acknowledged, it must have been very painful indeed for Romney to re-watch complete strangers mock and ridicule his family. But he seemed to take it all in stride. For his part, he reminded MSNBC -- and anchors everywhere, really -- that children should be off limits when discussing politics in the public square, while at the same time refused to give into pettiness or vindictiveness. He accepted Harris-Perry’s “heartfelt” apology by saying he “holds no ill-will whatsoever” towards her. He also admitted, too, that he himself had made mistakes over the course of his career, and hoped everyone could now, finally, put this all behind them.
Well said, governor.