
WATCH: Melissa Harris-Perry's Tearful On-Air Apology to the Romneys

“Our biggest critics, can sometimes be our best teachers.”

MSNBC anchor Melissa Harris-Perry learned her lesson the hard way last week after she and her guest panelists mocked former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and his family for adopting a black grandson. After facing backlash for her offensive comments, Harris-Perry tweeted a string of apologies to the Romneys. But, social media users criticized her method and insisted a true apology would be best made on-air.

So, Saturday morning, she did just that.

Before addressing the latest headlines, Harris-Perry began her weekend show by telling the audience she would like to offer a “genuine” apology to the Romneys. She kept her composure through most of her statement, but by the end she started to choke up when discussing the importance of transracial adoption:

“Allow me to apologize to other families formed through transracial adoption, because I am deeply sorry that we suggested that interracial families are in any way funny, or deserving of ridicule. On this program, we are dedicated to advocating for a wide diversity of families, it is one of our core principles. And I am reminded that when we do so, it must be with the utmost respect. We’re genuinely appreciative of everyone who offered serious criticisms of last Sunday’s program, and I am reminded that our fiercest critics can sometimes be our best teachers.”

Now, it’s true Monday’s segment was very insensitive and hurtful, perhaps worse considering the host herself grew up in a similar situation to that of Kieran Romney. But, Harris-Perry’s emotional apology today seemed sincere. Hopefully the incident will teach her and her future guests to think before mocking and questioning someone’s motives just to nail a good punch line.

To judge for yourself if Harris-Perry is truly sorry, watch her whole apology here, via Newsbusters: