
Late Term Abortion Battle to Start on Capitol Hill

A new battle over late-term abortion is expected to start Thursday on Capitol Hill when South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham will introduce the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act banning abortions after five months of pregnancy, something the vast majority of women in America support.

“I am proud to lead this charge. This is a debate worthy of a great democracy. When do you become you: At 20 weeks of a pregnancy? What is the proper role of the government in protecting that child?" Graham said on Fox News Sunday earlier this week.

Graham is supported by a host of pro-life groups and opposed by abortion giant Planned Parenthood, which is currently petitioning the Supreme Court to overturn a ban on abortions after five months in Texas.

Live Action, an pro-life investigative group, is applauding Graham's legislation.

"Live Action's investigations have proven repeatedly that America's abortion industry, no matter how 'well regulated,' presents a grave threat to the health and lives of both mothers and their babies. While we continue to fight for the lives and safety of every pre-born child, we note that the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act makes real progress toward protecting some children, while reining in abortion corporations like Planned Parenthood, and safeguarding women from unscrupulous, profit-driven abortion doctors. We look forward to seeing Senate Majority Leader Reid bring it up for a vote," President of Live Action Lila Rose said in a statement.

Pro-abortion groups are banking on the legislation failing in the Democratic controlled Senate.