
College Hockey Fan Forum Hacked by Syrian Electronic Army

College hockey fans looking to discuss their favorite teams on the United States College Hockey Organization (USCHO) Fan Forum on Sunday night were greeted with a surprising redirect: a pro-President Assad message.

In what appears to be a random hacking by the Syrian Electronic Army (SEA), anyone who attempted to reach a page on the fan forum was instead brought to a page containing “A Message from Syria to the World.” The attack was similar to other work by the SEA in defacing websites to spread pro-Assad propaganda.

The attack was first noticed by Twitter users at around 11:30 p.m. on Sunday night.

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The official USCHO Twitter acknowledged the hacking at 7:46 a.m. on Monday morning. As of 9 a.m., the forum has been taken offline.

It is unclear which college hockey team the Syrian government supports.

Update: According to USCHO Executive Editor Todd Milewski, the hackers took advantage of a security defect in the forum software and were able to post content that would redirect people to their website. The problem has since been fixed.