
#Justice4Trayvon? MLK Jr.'s Pro-Life Niece Asks #Justice4Tonya

It’s a simple, yet profound message from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s niece, Dr. Alveda King – a well-known figure in the pro-life movement.

While many are still tweeting #Justice4Trayvon in angry opposition to the jury’s not guilty verdict in the George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin trial, King and other pro-life advocates are promoting the trend #Justice4Tonya for a young woman they claim the abortion giant Planned Parenthood left to die.

On July 20, 2012, 24-year-old Tonya Reaves entered a Planned Parenthood in Chicago to have an abortion. Following the procedure, Reaves began to hemorrhage because the abortionist accidentally ripped a hole in the young woman’s uterus. Did Planned Parenthood act right away? No, for five hours the staff left her before they finally sought emergency care. By the time help arrived, it was too late. She had already lost about 30 percent of her body’s blood volume.

This tragedy is unfortunately not an anomaly in the abortion business. The negligence on the part of Planned Parenthood, as well as other abortion providers, has led to a number of operating table deaths. On the #Justice4Tonya Facebook page, the administrators provide a link to a long list of women who were killed from abortion, many of whom were mere teens. Some girls died from infection, others died from blood clots and a few heartbreakingly committed suicides following their procedures.

Tonya’s death puts yet another stain on pro-choicers’ “safe and legal” mantra. Here are a few other tweets from pro-lifers eager to win #Justice4Tonya and expose the dangers of the abortion industry.

To learn more about Tonya's tragic story, including a timeline of events, watch this video.